Tuesday 8 March 2011

Online tools for setting up a collaborative environment.

Expecting some comments on your side...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Keeping it simple, visual and practical, all the ingredients for a nice presentation!

  3. I agree with you that we need two types of platforms to reach our goals: one where we can discuss and share ideads between us and the teachers, producing documents and valued information that, on a second step, can be vinculated in the other platform reaching out for the 'external' world.
    On another hand, I think we should keep it simple and try to take advantages of what we already have implemented as the moodle platform or we can risk in getting overwhelmed.
    Beautifull visual presentation: simple and clear!

  4. The presentation is really good. There are a couple of mistakes (eg. Basecamp is software-as-service, it does not need to be installed, and indeed it can't be), but that is not a big deal. Bravo!

  5. Thank you all for the comments on the presentation! (Sorry for the mistakes though)...

    Anyways, I believe that a platform like Moodle is neither intuitive (easy to use), nor visually appealing (and I think this is kind of important). I was kind of afraid at first and I sort of think that my intuitions were right. It seems like you have to know how the platform works first (by taking a look at some sort of tutorial or manual) in order to use it to the whole of its potential.

    Honestly, I believe that the choices we have made until now are really good. Google Apps seems just the right size and the best is that is really simple to use! :D
