Tuesday 8 March 2011

Design For Social Business Mind Map

Hi everyone,

How cool is this? We can even have our mind maps embedded on our blog!

Ok so here is the plan: I think we should refer to this map every time we have doubts or even get lost. It is a very complex world and this will not only help us keep track but also if we continuously update it with our latest discoveries, by the end of the master it'll be pretty complete.

What do you think?


  1. It is quite nice!
    But if it is a tool that we are going to access that often, it is better to create a new page like the ones you see on the top tab (Home, About Social Business and About this Blog) and place the map there. To create a new page, you can go to Design on the top right menu and then to Post.
    Otherwise, it risks of been left behind...

  2. Yes, you are totally right Barbara. Will do that.

  3. I think that the only person that can do this sort of editing that you talk about Barbara is Mandy, am I right?
